Update! - News for auditors

Update! - News for auditors

Update! - News for auditors
No.30: ‘Thailand 4.0’ and the confirmation 18/11/2016
No.29: FAP announced TSA 800 - 810 (Revised) 02/11/2016
No.28: Guidance for auditor after work performed 13/06/2016
No.27: Summary the amendment – TSRE 2400 (Revised) Engagements to Review Financial Statements (by other professional which is not CPA) 30/10/2015
No.26: Summary the amendment – TSRS 4410 (Revised) Engagements to Compile Financial Statements 30/10/2015
No.25: “Fraud Triangle” and “Auditor” 20/03/2015
No.24: Audit fee 10/04/2014
No.23: Continuing Professional Development (CPD) 24/03/2014
No.22: Points to be concern on Auditing 29/01/2014
No.21: Materiality 19/08/2013
No.20: Audit plan 15/07/2013
No.19: Date in the financial statements 17/04/2013
No.18: Determining the Extent of Testing and How-to sampling (Part 3) 18/02/2013
No.17: Determining the Extent of Testing and How-to sampling (Part 2) 06/02/2013
No.16: Determining the Extent of Testing and How-to sampling (Part 1) 30/01/2013
No.15: “Risk” and “Determining the Extent of Testing” 03/12/2012
No.14: Electronic Confirmation 20/11/2012
No.13: Do Auditors comfortable? 24/10/2012
No.12: Risk of management override of control by reviewing the journal entries 10/10/2012
No.11: The auditor report 01/10/2012
No.10: Initial Audit Engagements 12/04/2012
No.9: 3 R for accountants and 3 C for auditors 04/01/2012
No.8: Summary for accounting and auditing issues 28/12/2011
No.7: Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for year 2011 03/11/2011
No.6: Thai Standard on quality control (TSQC 1) (Part 2) 26/10/2011
No.5: Thai Standard on quality control (TSQC 1) (Part 1) 20/10/2011
No.4: Change in the Thai Standards on Auditing (TSA) 18/10/2011
No.3: News about Thai Standards on Review Engagements (TSRE) 12/10/2011
No.2: Answer for Revised Thai Standards on Auditing (TSA) 06/10/2011
No 1: Introduction 29/09/2011
Post Date :
26 Dec 2017 11:49:42
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